Quite a few Israelis who were interested in the possibility of setting up a store, dropped it very quickly. Upon ascertaining the costs of establishment and operation, the required manpower and the bureaucracy, many realized that in this case the dream “on paper” is sweeter than living it. However, when you look at the possibility of being an online merchant, you discover a world of accessible, economical (!) and much simpler possibilities. We don’t need to list the giants of online commerce that have already done it in a big way, but we will delve deeper into a question that probably preoccupies you a lot: how much does a virtual store cost?

Why is it easier to be an online trader?

If once the dream was “a luxurious store in a desirable spot in the mall!”, today entrepreneurs-merchants set goals for themselves like this: an online store that will be at the top of the Google search results! So just before we delve deeper into the issue of costs and understand how much a virtual store costs, what makes internet commerce the choice of many merchants?

* With an online store there are no fixed (and heavy) payments such as rent, property tax, electricity and water
* Many online stores are managed and operated by only one person. the meaning? The merchant does not have to shoulder the burden of manpower and salaries
* Setting up a store website is significantly cheaper (!) than setting up a physical store (yes, this is a saving of hundreds of thousands of shekels)
* While the operation of an offline store requires the merchant to have a physical presence and absolute totality, Internet commerce does not necessarily “suck” when each merchant can define the scope of the investment for himself
* Unlike physical stores that require the merchant to purchase a merchant in advance, online there is the option of trading based on the dropshipping method

How much does a virtual store cost? This is how the price is calculated

Let’s start with the bottom line: a store is not a “product off the shelf” with a recommended price for the consumer, but is a product that is consolidated, designed and built to suit the merchant. Just as stores in malls differ in size and design, so do online stores. And the price? in accordance. We at NPCoding recognize that as future online merchants, it is important for you to know as early as possible how much “the whole business” should cost you. For this reason, we developed a sales site calculator, the purpose of which is to create an initial coordination of expectations between us: we – we will understand from you more or less what your dream store is. You – you will receive an initial price quote from us.

And what information do we need in order to estimate how much a virtual store costs? Among other things, we will ask to know which category your store belongs to (engagement rings, cycling bikes, optics, and so on), which development platform you would be interested in, how many pages the store will rely on +- and which functions are important to you. Upon receiving the details from you, we can estimate the price and share it with you.

We at NPCoding are experts in setting up online stores, with an emphasis on memorable and experiential stores for the surfing audience! So let’s go together on a joint journey whose destination is an E-commerce store you own? For more questions and scheduling an appointment, you are welcome to contact us now 077-5003028

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