The decision to build a website? quite easy. And is it more difficult? choose the professionals who will lead the project. The thought of a new website surely excites you, but in the same breath also brings doubts and perhaps also concerns. Are you longing for some order in the chaos and a short guide that will guide you on how to choose your website builder? You have reached the right place!

Choosing web site builders should be based on only three things

It would not be unreasonable to crown the establishment of your website (and its type does not matter at all now) as a flagship project. Hence, your expectation is a site that will respect your work and give site visitors value wrapped in an excellent experience. We know, there are longer guides to finding website builders on the Internet than we share here, but in our experience your choice can be based on only 3 things:

* Professional abilities – before you pick up the phone or send an email, be impressed by the professional abilities of the website builders. and what does that mean? delve deeper into the work they have done. In practice, this means simply to enter the links of sites they have built and evaluate the experience of browsing them. You don’t have to explain the experience to yourself in words, but mostly feel it. A tip from us: if you are interested in building a commercial website for example, focus your impressions on websites of this type only as all others are not relevant.

* Human qualities – did you rate the site visitors experience in the portfolio as excellent? You are already halfway there. At this point, leave details on the site of the website construction company, or simply pick up the phone and ask to receive general details about the nature and progress of the work. As long as it is possible for you, schedule a face-to-face meeting. The goal? To test the quality of the chemistry between you and the website builders. And why is it even important? Because building a website is a project in which you are also involved. Give priority to “people’s people” – those who hear their smile on the phone and for whom the answer “sorry, it’s not possible” is foreign to them.

* Quote – Were you impressed by the portfolio of web site builders and connected with them on a personal level? You will be there in a moment! The last step is to request a quote for your project. Our recommendation: don’t evaluate the offer solely by the price itself, but by the value you receive.

The Holy Trinity exists! What happens from now on?

Were you able to find web site builders that meet the holy trinity? Congratulations! At this stage, it is recommended to find out/define two main things:
* General coordination of expectations – reflect your expectations to the website builder – on a professional and personal level, with the aim of understanding if they can indeed be realized with the specific professional.
* Check availability – remember that website builders (and it doesn’t matter if it’s a freelancer or a large company) work on several projects at the same time. Therefore, you should find out the availability for your project and know what it is before you set off together.

So after you’ve heard “a little” about us, we’d love to hear more about your project! Call now – 077-500-3028


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