“I decided to set up an online store because it is simpler to manage than a physical store” – this is a phrase we hear quite a lot. is that so? It is carefully said that managing an online store is not really different from managing a store located on a lively shopping avenue. Surprised? It is possible. If you are planning to set up an online store, it is important that you are aware of this big thing called “Ecommerce store management” and what it entails.


Riddle: What will you find in every store (but every store!) you go to?

Each physical store specializes in a specific niche, offers different products and appeals to different audiences. Still, there is one thing common to all stores: they are all, without exception, led by a manager. We have no doubt that we did not update you on anything and that was not our goal either. And what is it? To remind you or to inform you: the online store that you are the founders/entrepreneurs of, must also be led by a manager who will be responsible for managing the ecommerce site.

Ecommerce website management: what is expected of you and the managers?

As the owner of the store, you are the ones who will lead the management staff, which necessarily makes you managers. In the same breath, it is important that you recruit an experienced store manager (!) to work with you and for you. Please note that the manager should not necessarily be an executive arm, but to chart a path for those whose work of execution is in their area of ​​responsibility. So what can you expect from your store manager?

* What defines your site as a “store” are the products offered for sale. Just as managers of physical stores check that the shelves are organized, that the display is attractive, that the prices are current and that there is stock available, the same is expected of the manager of an ecommerce store.

* Every eCommerce store manager knows: promotion = exposure = sales. Formulate a marketing strategy to promote the store with the help of a professional (marketer/web promoter), where the meaning of strategy is defining goals and practical actions to achieve them. The store manager must define advertising budgets, monitor campaign results, draw conclusions, and so on.

* Managing an online ecommerce site is no different from managing an offline store, remember? Customers who buy online also expect professional, courteous and available service. The role of the manager is not to provide service, of course, but to conduct service training, distribute incentives, evaluate the quality of service, formulate service procedures (returns, exchanges, credits, compensations) and so on.

* The operation of an ecommerce store relies on many factors: suppliers, pickers, packers, service personnel and the list goes on. It is the store manager’s responsibility to ensure harmonious synchronization between all factors, so that in the end the customer will receive the fastest and highest quality response.

For details about building an ecommerce website with NPCoding, call us now – 077-500-3028

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