Let us guess: in the last year, month or maybe even week, you have purchased from an online store. If we may guess one more thing, then you, like many, believe that the store you purchased from uses various logistics solutions such as storage warehouses for E-commerce stores. is that so?

Many large stores work in the model of purchasing goods, storing them and selling them to customers. However, there are many stores that, without you even being aware of it, advertise a variety of items for sale without having them in their possession at that given moment. If you want to take an active part in this big thing called “Internet commerce”, you should know one of the most interesting and accessible options: the dropshipping method.

Why is dropshipping so good for merchants?

The possibility of becoming digital merchants enchants many Israelis. Among other things, since it is possible to trade online at the same time as a career that is cultivated and not instead, and also because there is a method that allows you to do this easily and with minimal risks: dropshipping. You may now be raising an eyebrow and wondering to yourself: “What? I’m hearing about this for the first time!”, and that’s exactly why we’re happy to present to you the principles on which the dizzying trading method is based!

Drop shipping means a simple thing: if offline merchants are required to purchase goods, present them in the store and hope that they will buy them from them, online it can work differently. You don’t necessarily have to buy “stocks”, but you can offer products for sale even without purchasing them. Confused? We will show you an example of how it works:

* Suppose your online store focuses on selling sports accessories

* Your website offers about 80 different products available for purchase

* As merchants, you are not required to keep inventory on hand

* Only upon placing an order on your website, you will purchase the ordered items

Minimal financial investment, huge profit potential – why drop shipping?

So what do you gain if you buy from other suppliers? It’s very simple: while you buy the barbell and dumbbells for NIS 45, you will offer them to your customers at a high (and competitive) price. As merchants who wish to base their activity on the dropshipping method, the main investment required of you is in setting up an invested and attractive trading store. This method has notable and significant economic advantages:

* As merchants, you do not need to purchase goods in advance for tens and hundreds of thousands of shekels

* In addition, you are spared the expense of storing the goods in external warehouses (warehousing services)

* Since you do not purchase the goods in advance, you cannot get into a situation where you are stuck with inventory that is not in demand

“If the customer can find the product at a lower price, why would he buy from me?”

This is a great question! As merchants operating an online store, you are expected to provide great value to your customers. The value can be the following:

* Offering the best quality products in the category (that is, you have carried out surveys and comparisons in order to find the best accessories from the best suppliers)
* Unlike the suppliers you work with, your trading website is entirely in Hebrew
* You offer a service in the Hebrew language with high availability
* You offer an amazing purchase experience: a store with a spectacular design, high browsing speed and so on

So how do you start trading with dropshipping? With the establishment of an invested trading site! For more details about building an online store with NPCoding, call 077-500-3028

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