So how about we go on an imaginary trip to a shopping center together? Try to remember the mall you visited last time. Without knowing where you spent your time, we are guessing that you were exposed to dozens and maybe even hundreds of stores. Some of them must have addressed the same target audience. For example: women’s clothing stores, restaurants and cafes, electronics stores and more. As customers who came to the mall with the aim of purchasing a certain product, you had several options open to you. While you had a choice, businesses had something else – competition.

In the digital space, not only is there competition, but much tougher competition. why? Two main reasons:
First, the number of stores: every digital store competes for buyers with an unimaginable amount of stores – from Israel and abroad.
Also, your store is not in a physical shopping center where visitors come (thus the exposure potential is huge), but in a vast and endless space. This means that in order for them to be aware of the store’s existence and later enter it, you must invest in advertising and raise awareness.

If you are also interested in investing in opening a digital store, the question must have crossed your mind: “With so much competition, what should I do to make my store successful?”. Every store owner has a different interpretation of success, but in general – success = sales. So what will you have to do to enjoy sales and profits?

Digital store – everything that must be included in it

Although each store has unique characteristics (specific product, unique value, different audience, etc.), all digital stores should be based on the same basic infrastructure. The key to success in a digital store is to get to know two things deeply: your competitors and your users. When you get to know them, the choices you make will inevitably be more responsible, informed and correct. Here are some things that must be ensured and included in your new digital store:

A product with value – even before you have a store, you need to have a product (or products). Without having a product that meets a basic need / provides value, the store will not succeed. Note that you don’t necessarily have to reinvent the wheel, but you can also sell good products that are already sold in the market, and be successful.

Friendly interface – try to think of it this way: if you can’t find what you need in a physical store within a few seconds, you will leave it. A messy store – without order and dividing into departments, will inevitably drive you away. The same with a digital store. It is important to ensure a friendly and comfortable interface and a proper design for the website, which will allow all users to find their way around easily and find what they are looking for.

Correct design for the brand/audience – there is a direct connection between website design and a good experience. There is no right or wrong design, but there is the right design for your specific store – depending on the brand, the audience, the product and the atmosphere you want to create. It is important to give great importance to the structure of the store, the dominant colors, the fonts and their size, the quality of the images, and so on.

We at NPCoding advocate joint work – one where we come up with ideas together, and later – implement them in the development, construction and design phase of the store. For more details about setting up a digital store, call – 077-5003028

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