Building a shopping site – the common mistakes that happen easily
“If only I had done things a little differently”, “if only I had listened to the professionals I worked with” – these are things you
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“If only I had done things a little differently”, “if only I had listened to the professionals I worked with” – these are things you
Let us guess: in the last year, month or maybe even week, you have purchased from an online store. If we may guess one more
In the last week you have visited dozens if not hundreds of different websites! You entered each of the sites with a certain motivation, when
You probably won’t find an unequivocal answer or “magic formula” to the question “How to sell more?” And what is it? A number of things
Only until a few years ago, the school administration and the teaching staff would communicate with the parents through various circulars. And in 2022? There
Who should be interested in the level of reliability on the site? Everyone who has a website. And is it possible to increase the existing