In today’s world, it is rare to find websites that are not responsive (mobile friendly) and yet, it can be seen that the development of an application has a very large added value. Of course, it is important to remember that in terms of cost, app development is much higher.

In the world of websites, you can find image websites in the thousands, but when you enter the world of application development, it is about the development of several tens of thousands at least for the simplest application. In addition, also in the field of application development similar to the field of website development.

It is of course advisable to contact an application developer or a professional company with extensive experience in the field.

It should also be taken into account that there are two types of applications: an application that is adapted for mobile, what most of us know as a mobile application but there is also a web application.

When each type of such development has professionals who specialize in the various fields and of course each type of such development has advantages and disadvantages, among other things it is important to remember that if you want to develop a product that is based on locating users or something that requires users to update the content more urgently, the mobile application is Of course the right way to go.

When you decide to develop a mobile application, the costs are higher, what do you mean?

Since there are two types of audiences, those who have Android and iPhone, therefore, the cost of development may be more expensive because two different versions need to be developed. On the other hand, when you decide to develop a web application, you can access it both from the computer and, of course, from any mobile that we know of in the same development.

What are the advantages of developing a mobile application?

1. Availability to the user – as soon as your user has downloaded the application to his mobile, it is always on his mobile on the home page and you can whenever you want to send him relevant notifications. Of course, it is important to remember that notifications should also be done in good taste and if you start to distribute your users with endless push they will get fed up and they will simply delete the application. We have a number of sample projects that combine the development of a trading website and an application compatible with the website. The main reason is that today, fewer people are available through emails and newsletters and once we have managed to get them to download our app then we can give them a relevant push. Let’s say if we have a special sale or we have some left over and we want to get them to go to the site and make a purchase, we can give them a push that will make them go in and do the action. That is, our drive to action is faster and of course our conversion ability here is a significant factor.

2. Speed ​​- there is no need to open a browser from the website and the application data is loaded in the background. If we open a website we depend on the website and the internet. There are of course apps that can be accessed offline.

3. Security – if you are developing something that requires double security or you want to verify the identity of your users, for example: applications for money transfers and the like. Double authentication can be done by fingerprint, personal password, etc.

Mobile application development – how much will it cost?

1. Characterization and feasibility testing – as opposed to building a website. The cost of building an application starts at the characterization stage which usually ranges around a few thousand and of course it depends on the size of the project and there are characterizations that can range several tens of thousands. The important meaning of the characterization can be seen in quite a few places on our site. When characterizing an application, all the steps need to be divided: that is, how many screens do we want to have in the application, what will be the features on each screen and of course what is its flow.

If you contact a professional app development company that is up to date with what’s going on in the market, they will be able to tell you in general whether your idea has one or another potential and if it’s worth doing a feasibility study for your idea. Quite a few entrepreneurs contact us at a very immature stage with an initial idea and many times we send them to establish their idea in more depth and do their homework before starting the characterization stage.

2. Design – after you have an orderly characterization for the application, you go to the design stage. That is, the characterization stage is carried out and it is expressed in a visual way. That is, in the sketching stage of the designs, you will see the various buttons and features that you want in the application in a visual way.

3. Development – ​​after you have approved the designs, move to the development phase. That is, at this stage you start to develop all the visual designs you made. The development phase takes a few months, so it will usually work in stages and you will receive different versions of several screens, after you approve them, they will continue to develop the other screens for you until you reach the last stage, which of course, will include the overall development of the entire application. The main reason you should work step by step is to not reach the end and then realize that there is something you forgot or didn’t think about. Therefore, usually each version adds another number of screens and then of course when you get to the end you have a finished product with very few notes.

4. Go live – after you’ve approved the latest version of your app. The process of uploading to the various stores begins. This is a process where Google and Apple actually check your application, whether it is suitable for the store. Keep in mind that this step is a very difficult step and many times Apple and Google tend to refuse different applications. It is very important to understand that if you decide to hire a professional company, it already knows how to handle this process. Therefore, it is very important to take a professional company that has already uploaded apps to stores and knows how to deal with these situations. Another point that is important to remember is that if your application requires payment from the users, you will have to pay a certain fee to Google or Apple for the aforementioned service.

5. Marketing and maintenance – at this stage you start promoting and marketing your app. It is important to remember that once you develop an application it always has maintenance. Apple and Google have various updates and upgrades according to which you will have to make adjustments in your application. In addition, it is important to remember that sometimes we have applications that are based on collecting data from different sources, so sometimes there can be a situation where you rely on a third party, and therefore you will also have to make changes and upgrades.

In conclusion, developing an app has many advantages. It is important to remember that this is a venture and a business for all intents and purposes. Therefore, it is important to enter the process that you are really ripe and ready for it.

In simple words, like any venture and business you have to give your all to push and make it succeed.

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