Legbreaker (LB for short) is a Mobile App developed for the American market and especially targeted for people who live in LA and NY.
The app was built for people in the acting field and is basically an organizational log for them.
The app is based on a website crawler and shows the relevant auditions based on one’s profile settings. It allows an actor to sign up for an audition directly from the app.
In addition, every actor sets up his own profile and can upload pictures, resumes, interests and both video and audio.
After an actor has chosen the audition that he wants, the app allows him to save the content on his calendar and keep track of the audition status.
The app produces statistics and an analysis of audition successes and failures allowing one to draw conclusions for future improvement.
It also allows one to save a relevant contact in one’s phone book to make it easy to call in the future.
We characterized, designed and developed this app in the iOS platform because this was the platform that was relevant for the target market.